谷口 吉生 (1937- ) 12/16 44. 葛西臨海公園展望広場 1995
4/3 20. Toyota Municipal Museum of Art, Aichi Prefecture
03/1/13 20. 愛知県豊田市美術館
It is a pleasure finally to introduce Toyota Municipal Museum of Art which had been “ planned to visit” in this site for a long time. The report is just as it was written on the first visit seven years ago. A new step was taken. The beginning of playing with form (plane composition) and playing with landscape (plane composition) can be seen. It was designed by Yoshio Taniguchi.
9/15 4.The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures
7/20 4. 法隆寺宝物館
It had opened on July 20 in the Ueno Park, Tokyo.It was designed by Yoshio Taniguchi, who was also chosen an architect for redoing MoMA in New York. Although he is known as a most professional architect not easily understood, it is not necessarily so. I have written here about how he is communicating with the general audience. Let,s appreciate this tasteful piece of work
2/6 5.Tokyo Kasai Rinkai Park View Point Visitors Center
8/18 5. 葛西臨海公園展望広場 It was opened in 1995. Approaching straightforward from Kasairinkai Park Station it emerges as if it was a gate guiding you into the sea. It is a place to keep yourself cool from summer heat with a nice cafeteria at your service. Located in the center of Kasairinkai Park, it is a glass box from where you can look over the whole area including the whole park and the sea. Not towering as observatories in general it is built low indeed. A new urban social place has appeared, where people,s eye meet the other eye directly and free. I hope you enjoy yourself. It was once again designed by Yoshio Taniguchi.
JR 8/6 40. 第一御徒町高架橋下駐車場
古谷誠章 (1955- ) 07/06/1039.The Chino Cultural Complex 11,2005 7/239. 茅野市民館 2005・11
I had visited the Chino Cultural Complex during the consecutive holidays in May. Although I had a great expectation for the architect, Furuya Nobuaki, the designer of anpanman museum, it was difficult at first to comprehend his intention from the photos in the architecture magazine before I went to see it. However, I was very impressed after the visit. Many ideas had been put into the work. It was rich in variation in making the sense of enclosement, the typical sense in architecture.
安藤 忠雄 (1941- ) 3/438. Omotesando 2, 2006 3/4 38. 表参道ヒルズ 2006・2
テレビでオープンを知り、早速行ってしまいました。すごい混雑で、20分くらい並んでやっと内部吹き抜けに入れました。作家としての表出がないと思いました。同潤館には打放しコンクリートが使われてはいましたが。それでも再現同潤会と新店舗ガラスカーテンウォールとの連続性に、建築の新しい在り方を模索しているようには思えました。そこを取り上げました。誰もが知っている建築家 安藤忠雄。
It was right after watching the broadcast that I visited the commercial complex . As it was so crowded, I finally got inside, the large stairwell, after in line for about twenty minutes. At first the architectural innovation seemed invisible. The Dojunkan building was walled by reinforced concrete, though. However, the continuity seen between the reproduced Dojunkai Apartment and the glass curtain wall of the new commercial complex seemed to reveal the architect's grope for the new architectural scene. I tried to point this out in this version. Everyone knows the architect, Ando Tadao.
03/04/27 17. International Library of Children,s Literature
6/16 17. 国際子ども図書館
Designed by Tadao Ando and Nikken Sekkei Co. it is a renewal and an extension of the building in Renaissance style built in the Meiji era. I had appreciated the work as a presentation of concept as a form and how it was responding to the users in general. As I was going through the rooms as usual, I arrived at an open-stack room “children,s room” on the ground floor. It was an impressive piece of work provided with an atmosphere of relief.
6/30 12. time'sTU
8/18 12. time'sTU
I had visited Kyoto this time to see some of the works by Tadao Ando. What was most impressive was the TIME,S I. There was a new discovery deciphered about his work this time. I was very much moved experiencing the site for real. Although he is generally well known as well as for the students of architecture , this is the first time to take his work up.
京都にて安藤忠雄の作品を幾つか見てきました time'sTはなかなかのものと思いました。一般的な評価とはちょっと違った私なりの掴みを書けたと思っています。こんなに感激させてくれるとは思っても見ませんでした。建築学生にも一般的にも知れ渡った人ですが、今回初めての登場です。
伊東豊雄(1941- ) 07/06/1037. MIKIMOTO Ginza 2 12,2005 2/12 37. MIKIMOTO Ginza 2 2005・12
After I got the information about the opening in the architecture magazine, I went there right away. Airlily it stood standing out from the surrounding buildings with special shaped openings glazed. Unlike the high tensioned steel structure we see in Ito Toyo, these openings were shaped in arbitrary abstract forms such as the patch pattern of a cow or a cheese with holes. I saw continuity of the idea with Tod's Omotesando.
雑誌でオープンを知り、早速行ってきました。それは特異な開口をちりばめて、周りの建物とは全く異質に、けれど軽やかに建っていました。伊東豊雄の構造鉄板が張りつめている感じにかける思いとは違って、牛の模様か、はたまたチーズの穴あきの抽象形態か、という意味付けされた抽象性という、TOD'S表参道との連続性を感じました。 6/12 29. TOD'S Omotesando Building 2004・12 05/1/929. TOD'S表参道 2004・12
The location of the site was not good at all. However, as I came closer to the building, an expressive piece of work stood there. It was a pleasure just like when I visited " The Matsumoto Performing Arts Center". It took some time for me to word this impression. It may be, " the new phase was realized in the abstraction of arbitrary form ." It was designed by Toyo Ito.
あまりにも悪いロケーション、それでも近付いて見ると感じさせてくれました。やっぱり「まつもと市民芸術館」から通じる楽しい感じがありました。それが何であるのか、言葉になるのには少し時間がいりました。今度は「恣意の形の高度な抽象化」と言うことでした。設計は伊東豊雄。 05/12/1827.The Matsumoto Performing Art Center 2004・5 7/1327. まつもと市民芸術館 2004・5
I visited the site on May 4. I enjoyed it very much, but it took long time to think over what I had experienced. Toyo Ito's new step is found in the decorative method, which is presented here in an exquisite touch. I received his message of producing the brilliance in a controlled touch of abstract expression of modern architecture.
9/8 10. Sendai Mediatheque 4/8 5/610. せんだいメディアテーク
A long waited piece of work has come out. Reading about the details and comments presented in the architectural magazines, I could hardly wait to see for real and was there the next day. As a result of my visit, I came home much impressed but that it was just as the photographs in the magazine. But ,however, wait and see, it was far more complicating and most interesting to decipher. It was designed by Toyo Ito. One of his projects,Otaku Kyuyomura Tobu, has been taken up already in this homepage.
待ちに待った建築が出来上がりました。建築雑誌に発表されて、みなの感想を読んでいたらもうすぐゆきたくなってしまって、翌日に行ってしまった。雑誌の写真を見てしまったせいで、ふんふん写真のとおりだと言う感じで見てきてしまった。日がたつにつれそんなもんじゃないと思えてきた。設計は伊東豊雄。このHPでは「1.大田区休養村とうぶ」につづいて2回目。 11/ 2 1. Otaku Kyuyomura Tobu
98/10/17 1. 大田区休養村とうぶ この建物は8月14日にオープンしまして行ってきました。、大田区が区民のためと、中学生の林間学校のために建てました。温泉が出て、浴場が2ヶ所もあります。運動施設があります。ハイキングもできます。食事もなかなかだと思う。二人で18000円程度です。建築はブーメラン型の平面で、自然のスケールのように「おおらか」にありたいと、建っているとおもう。設計は現代建築の先端を走る伊東豊雄。 The complex had opened on August 14th and I had visited there. Ota-ku had built it for the citizens and for the extra-curricular activities of junior high school students of Ota-ku. There is a hot spring with two bathhouses. Have athletic facilities and can go on hiking. Nice dinner is prepared and costs 18000 yen per day for a couple. It is boomelung shaped and built as if to say "want to be broad minded" following the natural scale of nature. It was designed by Toyo Ito, an outstanding modern architect of Japan.
清家清 (191- ) 07/05/06 36. My House 1953 06/01/0136. 私の家 1953
Following the memorial exhibition, 'Architect Seike Kiyoshi 50 years since 'My House', which was held through September,2005, a bus tour was planned to visit Seike's works and I was given a chance to visit 'My House' for the first time. As I had admired this architecture for a long time, I was deeply impressed to be able to see the one-room home for a husband and wife, that had been constructed not far from the end of the World War II. I have tried my best to describe my experience and ponder over the significance of this architecture. I can say that I was able to add a new perspective that is interpreting from the point of expounding on the family. The writing took up a large portion and the photographs are few.
吉村順三 (1908-1997) 06/11/1835.A Note Mountain Lodge at Karuizawa 1962 10/1635. 体験外記 軽井沢の山荘 1962
As I looked at the pictures of the lodge that have been presented at the More Photo Data Corner, I kept thinking over the meaning of lifting up the house. I came to realize in the end, that it signified experiencing the nature in the air. I would like to make a challenge to interpret the famous Mountain on the Lodge designed by Junzo Yoshimura.
ル・コルビジェ(1887-1965) 7/233.A Note Villa Savoye A Watch through photographs 1931 4/16 33. 体験外記 写真による探訪 サヴォア邸 1931
This time we will look through pictures of Villa Savoye in France, which may be called "a photographic visit". A friend of mine who is a graphic designer has visited Villa Savoye and taken many photographs using the super wide lens. Observing these pictures, I was able to make many discoveries on this architecture. The architect is Le Corbusier, the great master of modern architecture.
乾 久美子 (1969- ) 3/2728. Dior Ginza 2004・10 11/6 28. ディオール銀座 2004・10
I went to visit the site after I was informed of its opening by a television news. The first impression was its simpleness and the low cost appearance. However, a certain sense of presence was there filled with expressions. It was designed by Kumiko Inui.
妹島 和世 (1956- )
11/14 24. Dior Omotesando 2003
04/1/1 24. ディオール表参道 2003
It just stood there white and simple. It was a wonder to see how it shined in the sunlight. As I approached nearer the expression changed gradually. The night view was white and beautiful as well. And it showed such variations. It was designed by Kazuyo Sejima+Ryuei Nishizawa.
8/5 11. hhstyle.com
8/17 11. hhstyle.com
It is a furniture shop designed by Kazuyo Sejima. It ,s pleasant to see some of her new ideas shown. It is the second time to take up in this HP following "Koga General Park Cafeteria"
妹島和世の設計になる家具ショップです。新しいアイデアがいくつか盛り込まれて、楽しいものです。このHPでは「2.古河総合公園飲食施設 」につづいて2回目。
2/27 2.Koga General Park Cafeteria
2/ 7 2. 古河総合公園飲食施設 久しぶりに形のものすごく単純で美しい建築を見てしまって、ここでは体験で解る建築が主題ですが、どうしても紹介したくなってしまったのです。設計者は女流の妹島和世です。 Although I have stated previously that the major premise for this home page is "recognizing the art of architecture through experiencing for real", I have to confess at this point that I,d like this time to introduce this piece of architecture just because I have confronted and observed an exquisite and simply framed work of art which I have not seen for some time. The woman architect is Kazuyo Sejima. This was my first experience to encounter her work for real.
ヘルツォーク(1950- )&ド・ムーロン(1950- ) 8/823. Prada Boutique Aoyama 2003
10/12・3123. プラダブティック青山店 2003
It was attracting attention among the neighboring buildings. Its special appearance, how it was built taking considerable space for the plaza and how it was surrounded by a strange wall are to be observed. It was designed by Swiss architects, Herzok & de Meuron.
11/3 22. The Pola Museum of Art in Hakone 2003
5/11・16 22. 箱根ポーラ美術館
Right in the middle of Hakone forest, when one descends into the building there is a four floored abstractive glass wall set. And reflecting the changes of mountain weather, sunlight from the skylight was casting dramatic changes in the midst of calmness. Provided with various artists and famous works, the exhibition was impressive and enjoyable.(It is kind to arrange places to sit and appreciate since the walking tires me out.)It was designed by Koichi Yasuda and the architectural firm Nikken Sekkei
7/5 21. MUJI, Mujirushi Ryohin Yurakucho Store 2003
3/22 21. MUJI 無印 有楽町店
Admiration for the idea that it can be done this way. It is the way to show fire-resistant coating of frame structure as it is. Doesn,t it match the commercial image of MUJI , known for an unfinished touch, thus presenting the "rawness" ?
アレハンドロ・ザエラ・ポロ/ ファッシド・ムサヴィ
7/25 19. Yokohama International Port Terminal
10/20 1/119. 大さん橋国際客船ターミナル
A new structural proposal was presented at the international competition. It was constructed after many twists and turns. It came out different from the original idea but most impressive as a consequence. The architects work mainly in UK. Farshid Moussavi is from Spain and Alejandro Zaera-Polo is from UK.
6/23 18. Hogy Medical Co. main office
8/25 18. ホギメディカル本社ビル
It stood along the street lined with large buildings in Akasaka. A togetherness with the street which was first observed in the opened cafe was now observed even in the hall on the ground floor of an office building. It was designed by Nikken Sekkei Co.
赤坂の建て込んだビル街にそれはありました。オープンカフェから始まった街路との一体感の追及が、事務所ビルの1階ホールまできた感があります。設計は日建設計。 2001/1228. Iidabashi First Building 9/288. 飯田橋ファーストビル
Producing the design of the balcony, it has succeeded in presenting the virtual image of drifting within the method of architecture. This can be experienced whenever you stand in the hall facing the balcony. How is this experience felt through pictures and writings? It was designed by Nikken Sekkei Co. Such initiative piece of work which may be fully appreciated only through the real experience had come out from the major company rather than from the artist office.
03/2/2Note on the16.“Exhibition of Luis Barragan The Quiet Revolution“
5/4 体験外記16.「ルイス・バラガン 静かなる革命」展
We have faced with an age of information technology which can also becalled, a golden age of virtual space. This HP “Observing the Architecture” originally started from the point of view that the theme ofarchitecture seems to have transitted to experiencing the project for real. However, writing in this way I have faced with a problem of presenting theprojects to which I have not visited and experienced for real. And so I havedecided to include the note on visiting the exhibition series to satisfy therequirement.
情報化時代=バーチャル空間全盛の時代を向かえて、建築自体は実際に体験することで感じるものに主題が移って行くのではないか!と言うところから、この「けんちく探訪」を始めました。ですが体験でないものは掲載しずらいことに不都合を感じ始めたのです。 そこでわざわざ体験外記をうたって、その狭間を詰めて行くことを始めます。
渡辺 誠
9/2 15. From Aoyama Technical College to Subway station Iidabashi
2/4 15. 青山製図専門学校から地下鉄飯田橋駅換気塔
Continuing from the previous page, this is presenting discoveries in the decorative architecture such as that of Disneyland. What is to come at the very opposite side of these decorative architecture? There are appearing pieces of art standing in between these two aspects, It was designed by Makoto Watanabe.
原広 司
8/5 13. Kyoto Station Building
8/22 13. 京都駅ビル
Since I was deeply concerned with this project, I had observed it in details. It was gigantic but with taste, a plaza prepared with various spots, having both the space with noise and stillness
6/ 7 3. Tokyo International Forum
5/16 3. 東京国際フォーラム
今回取り上げるのは、みなさんよくご存じの有楽町駅から歩いて1分、新しい都民の憩の場、東京国際フォーラムです。ここではいろんな会議やコンサートが開かれていますが、それよりもここは都市的スケールの巨大室内公園として捕らえるほうが実情にぴったり来ると思うのです。設計者もそのように力を注いだと思う。国際設計競技で選ばれた、ウルグアイ出身のアメリカの建築家ラファエル・ヴィニオリにより設計された。 This time I would like to take up Tokyo International Forum, a new oasis for the citizens of Tokyo which takes a minute walk from the well knownYurakucho Station. While there are various kinds of conferences and concerts held here, it seems more suitable to express about this site in the present situationas as an enormous interior park in an urban scale. I assume that the architect wanted to do so. It was planned and designed by Rafael Vinoly, an American architect from Uruguay, who won the international competition.
9/2 14. Omori Shell mound Monument Park
10/22 14. 大森貝塚遺跡庭園
It was first introduced by Tonko in the billboard. Though being a local myself, it was after her notice that I had visited the park which was renewed as a monument park. It was designed by a small design office. In spite of the repeated failures of the theme park projects whose design was lead by the autonomy, I thought that this project turned out a success. This was why I had taken this project up. It came out different from that of theme park such as Disneyland where the construction is ornamental and decorative "haribote".
とんこ さんより掲示板に紹介されてました。地元なのに遺跡庭園になってから行っていませんでした。早速行ってきました、設計は普通の建築士事務所のようですが、失敗の多いお役所先導のテーマパーク的な建築作りが、成功していると思い、取り上げることにしました。デズニーランドなどのテーマパークの張りぼて建築とは違うものになっていると思いました。
1/39. Street Watching in Ginza + Millenario 1/19. 銀座界隈ミレナリオ
The night view of the Ginza neighborhood were seen at the end of the year 2000. Millenario, the illumination installed at Marunouchi main street and at the Tokyo International Forum. And those views of Louis Vuitton Ginza and Opaque Ginza.
It has been a quarter of a century since I have started observing the
I am quite convinced now that modern architecture has been not only
innovating forms but has been responding to our own body.
Why, everyone is given a chance to appreciate it !
I want to impart the discovery to all other people.
Writing about introducing architecture for a large number of people,
I might make it more clear about what I have grasped.
What is more, I even hope to deepen it by doing so.
It is a hard task but a thankful gift in return for the inspiring modern
architecture and its fight with the age