Why is the large garden this way?     


 Awakes the image where children play running around. Looks as 

if mothers are calling the children back home.


It is so large. Turn 360degrees and

enjoy the expansion. You can well see 

that it was built following the natural 

slope,25m in height and 360m in length. 

There are weeds all around. The little 

gorge and the trees are left as they 

were before. There are rocks in circle 

and also scattered here and there. 

Let me now try to abstract the significance of the large garden.

The building and myself just like looking out from the train window when the train is 

curving, the large garden enclosed by such a building is lining the mountains in the 

background which are really surrounding the whole building itself. In fact the large 

garden is nearly just as it was before the construction. For this natural setting I 

recognize the architect,s own intention.

The pavement of the campfire,s place is only 4m in diameter and is cut down to 

minimum size. This size covers only the center of the furnace. There are rocks in 

threefold circles around it and outside of this the space the<weeds>extends out until 

closely to the building itself. Considering from the design up to nowadays one would 

undoubtedly include all pavement. What does it mean that they did not pave the place 

where children surround the campfire? What does it also mean about the wide weed 

space outside that place? There lies a nature itself which are the little gorge and the 

grove connected on the opposite side of the building with the large garden in between. 

And this large garden really does not belong to the building.The enclosed shape is 

actually the result of following along the road. And so the enclosure is quite 

<obscure>.The significance for the large garden transcending the usual scale and 

where weeds unmaintained and left as it is =the nature itself is recognized and come 

to the surface as a result of calling and naming this <the large garden>. This 

intentional state of neglected nature= weeds left as it is seems to symbolize the 

innovation of subconscoiusness in the planning.

Facing with the junior high school student,s succesive case of killing and wounding in 

Kobe, it was pointed out lately that in its background there lies a tendency of 

excluding all the darkness from the families, schools and districts after the war and 

that the architecture also kept building the sterile town. And far before this indication 

there were indicated about the Tsukuba Academic City, about the uncomfortableness 

of the sterile city entirely lacking the entertainment district. I somehow believe that 

this setting of neglected nature in <Tobu> may be a step to answer this problem.

It is to find possibilities of symbolizing subconsciousness in architecture,whose 

profession is undoubtedly consisted of consciousness=architectural planning.

In this project the weeds space largely enclosed and the crossing gorge were left as 

they were before construction.But this neglected nature must be paradoxically closely 

related to the use of the building. 


To say specifically,I would like to say that this is a present from an architect

for the children, for them to play and enjoy in as natural environment as possible.

How do you like this kind of topic?

Will appreciate very much if you give us any comments. mirutake@mcn.ne.jp
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